We realise that Harvest Festivals may not take place this year, and that those that do will be different. We have emailed local schools with details of a harvest competition we are running, asking children to design a compliments card for us to give out with food parcels. If schools are able and wish to donate items to us, we are giving them three things to collect: an item of food that we need (e.g. tinned fruit); and item of toiletries (e.g. shower gel) and an item for our Christmas parcels (e.g. packet of stuffing). If your school has not received the email and is interested in taking part, please contact us.
For churches and other organisations, if you intend to donate food, we would ask that you will please check with our latest shopping list, and the donate food page on our website to see what we do and do not need. We would be really grateful if you would follow those lists so that we do not add to our excess of pasta, tea bags, baked beans etc. as we are having a problem storing them and probably have far more than we can use, while we repeatedly run short of other items! The lists are usually updated every fortnight with extra needs being posted on social media between.
If you are unable to support us this harvest, we understand. Thank you for all the ways that you do support us!