
Christmas 2020 Arrangements

9th November 2020

This year Brecon Foodbank has had to adapt how we cater for our clients at Christmas, including our annual Christmas Parcel project, in order to keep our volunteers, clients and donors as safe as we can in the current situation.  Obviously we need to adhere to the current government guidelines as we prepare, and  have a system that we can still operate when and if they change again before Christmas.

As we have already said, we are not publishing a ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’ this year, and we will not be asking families and organisations to pack bags for families as we did last year.  We will still be providing Christmas parcels for people nominated by our Referral Agencies, but we will be putting them together ourselves.  Of course, you can still be involved!

Firstly, we recently published our Christmas Shopping List, and you can buy things on that and leave them at our regular collection points.  Please note that for us to be able to use the food before Christmas, it will need to be left at our collection points by Thursday 17th December at the latest.  After this, we will be asking for our collection points to be removed until the New Year.

In addition, look out for our Gift Angel Trees, which is our way this year of providing gifts to go with the parcels.  We have asked local Businesses, Churches, and other Organisations to host a Gift Angel Tree, on which we will hang gift tags.  Each gift tag will have on it a gift idea.  Donors simply take a tag (leaving their contact details), buy a gift inspired by the tag, adhere the tag to the gift and return the gift to the same Gift Angel Tree location by Friday 18thDecember.  Please email us if you are unable to visit an Gift Angel Tree and obtain a gift tag and would like to take part, and we will send you a ‘tag’.

To complete our Christmas Parcels this year, we will be including some fresh fruit and vegetables from the St John’s Food Co-op and a meat voucher.  We will be delivering the parcels a few days before Christmas.

We will, of course, be including some Christmas items in our ‘regular’ parcels in the lead up to Christmas.

We can only do all this with the help of all our wonderful supporters – those who donate to us so generously, and also our volunteers who are going to be very busy organising and putting together the parcels.  We are tremendously grateful to all of you/them!

We appreciate that some people have their own ideas of how they could help us this Christmas, and while we are grateful for that, we would ask that you would restrict yourselves to helping in the ways that we have outlined above, as doing these will use all the available time and space that we have.  Thank you very much.

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